Montag, 16. März 2009


by just sitting here
being far away
hopefully remembering
the time with you
will come again

maybe soon
maybe forever
maybe here
maybe never

hope I won't forget you
realise I wouldn't
because I couldn't
forget you

A short look

A short look
into your eyes
into your soul
into your mind

I realise
I wouldn't go
because of love
at first sight

Seeing you

seeing you
is believing
in me

I know

I know that time has changed
I know that you have changed
I know that I have changed
- Because of you –

First Sight

A look at first sight
is this short and beautiful moment
when you realise
that you've never been alone

… and never will be …


Eine Muse ist jemand,
der dich inspiriert,
an deinem Weg festzuhalten
und dir gleichzeitig neue Wege aufzeigt.